Subjunctive Part II: Test #1

  1. Choose the correct subjunctive conjugation for the following regular verbs.

      1. escuche
      2. escuches
      3. escuchemos
      4. escuchéis
      5. escuchen
      1. beba
      2. bebas
      3. bebamos
      4. bebáis
      5. beban
      1. corra
      2. corras
      3. corramos
      4. corráis
      5. corran
  2. Write the correct subjunctive conjugation for the following verbs that have irregular "yo" forms in the present indicative.

    1. yo
    2. los chicos
  3. Write the correct subjunctive conjugation for the following -ar and -er stem-changing verbs.

    1. Pablo
    2. tú y yo
  4. Write the correct subjunctive conjugation for the following -ir stem-changing verbs.

    1. el perro
    2. las mujeres